South America > Peru > Arequipa > Dreams Hotel Boutique

Information about Dreams Hotel Boutique

Welcome to Dreams Hotel Boutique on our reservation portal PensionHotel. You get comprehensive information about selected object Dreams Hotel Boutique, about prices, facilities and attractions in the surroundings. Here you will find the address and all contact information for the selected object Dreams Hotel Boutique, if they do not include contact information, you can check availability, or immediately fill out the reservation form.

  • Dreams Hotel Boutique

Dreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - HotelsDreams Hotel Boutique: hotels Arequipa - Pensionhotel - Hotels
Name:  Dreams Hotel Boutique
Street:  Calle Luna Pizarro 103, Vallecito
City:  4001 Arequipa
Country:  Peru
Map:  show map
Average price:

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Pomembne informacije

Perujski državljani (in tujci, ki v Peruju bivajo dlje kot 59 dni) morajo po lokalni davčni zakonodaji plačati pristojbino v višini 18%. Da bi bili opravičeni tega 18% doplačila, je potrebno predložiti kopijo imigracijske kartice in potni list. Prosimo upoštevajte, da sta za oprostitev plačila pristojbin nujna oba dokumenta. Gostje, ki ne bodo predložili obeh dokumentov, bodo morali plačati pristojbino. Tuji poslovni potniki, ki želijo natisnjen račun, bodo prav tako morali doplačati pristojbino v višini 18%, ne glede na dolžino bivanja v Peruju. Ta pristojbina ni samodejno vračunana v končni znesek rezervacije.

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